20/05/ 2012 Planeta Rica to Caucasia
D72, T3.4, Av 19.10 Total 9982
Overcast, light showers 27℃
A comparible late start was embarked upon, that of 0830. A bread and coffee was enjoyed in town, whilst some funds were obtained.
The road is a pleasure with a good shouder and reality flat going.
The temperature has dropped and the humidity is manageable again. The road side in places is now lined with people selling mangoes. These mangos at 50c each are divine, huge and a great source of sugar and moisture. The kids in the tree were at one such stall where a couple were enjoyed.
Being overcast also made the riding enjoyable, though the ever present profuse perspiration needs to be removed with the handle bar towel.
This towel has one other advantage, that of a psychological nature. It covers the odometer. This stops me from for ever looking at the k’s covered. Sometimes when pulling it from the bars it is a nice little reward to see another 10k on the clock.
Stopping at another roadside juice stall, 4 cups of fresh chilled orange juice were consumed. The people shouted me a fifth. Its sometimes hard to believe you can drink so much, though this is an indication of the amount of fluid that is lost through sweat.
It is at its worst climbing hills when there is no apparent wind, just a very apparent flow of water droplets onto the water bottles and the chain.
The closer the road gets to Medellin, the more things in shops and restaurants are costing. It is important to be aware of people with two sets of prices, one for locals and one for tourists.
One such restaurant stopped at quoted a meal at 14,000 pesos, on questioning, the price was dropped to 10,000. Needless to say a meal here was not desirable.
Further on the same meal was obtained at the initial price of 10,000 pesos.
The police are staying at the motel, they are training and working here. Two guys were sitting in the open air motel restaurant, one of them had his machine gun on the table infront of him like a dinner plate, walking past my comment on looking at the weapon was “comida”!!!! They laughed, we sat and talked for sometime about things and the road conditions ahead.
There is also a military airport nearby, the sound of helicopters hovering is heard much of the time.
Last night was the first night the cieling fan was not used, it was great.
D72, T3.4, Av 19.10 Total 9982
Overcast, light showers 27℃
A comparible late start was embarked upon, that of 0830. A bread and coffee was enjoyed in town, whilst some funds were obtained.
The road is a pleasure with a good shouder and reality flat going.
The temperature has dropped and the humidity is manageable again. The road side in places is now lined with people selling mangoes. These mangos at 50c each are divine, huge and a great source of sugar and moisture. The kids in the tree were at one such stall where a couple were enjoyed.
Being overcast also made the riding enjoyable, though the ever present profuse perspiration needs to be removed with the handle bar towel.
This towel has one other advantage, that of a psychological nature. It covers the odometer. This stops me from for ever looking at the k’s covered. Sometimes when pulling it from the bars it is a nice little reward to see another 10k on the clock.
Stopping at another roadside juice stall, 4 cups of fresh chilled orange juice were consumed. The people shouted me a fifth. Its sometimes hard to believe you can drink so much, though this is an indication of the amount of fluid that is lost through sweat.
It is at its worst climbing hills when there is no apparent wind, just a very apparent flow of water droplets onto the water bottles and the chain.
The closer the road gets to Medellin, the more things in shops and restaurants are costing. It is important to be aware of people with two sets of prices, one for locals and one for tourists.
One such restaurant stopped at quoted a meal at 14,000 pesos, on questioning, the price was dropped to 10,000. Needless to say a meal here was not desirable.
Further on the same meal was obtained at the initial price of 10,000 pesos.
The police are staying at the motel, they are training and working here. Two guys were sitting in the open air motel restaurant, one of them had his machine gun on the table infront of him like a dinner plate, walking past my comment on looking at the weapon was “comida”!!!! They laughed, we sat and talked for sometime about things and the road conditions ahead.
There is also a military airport nearby, the sound of helicopters hovering is heard much of the time.
Last night was the first night the cieling fan was not used, it was great.
Love this photo, three kids were in the tree on arrival. Trees and kids used to be such an important part of growing up. Providing social skills in an adhoc environment.
Many today only learn their social skills in the disciplined environment of school or the lack thereof on a computer in a bedroom.