Medellín to Molombolo D:75, T:4hrs, Av:18.16, Max spd:54 Total 10357 (75)
High cloud, low humidity about 29° calm
It was a smart idea to stay the extra night in Medellín. Similar to last year there is always that element of apprehension moving from a situation where you know each night where you will put your head down to one where each nights’ accommodation is unknown. Though getting there is the best part. This is normal I feel.
The plus side of this element of the unknown is that it is laced with some adventure. If one was at home in Australia in comfort and predictability, I am sure my thoughts would be in other places, whereas this pursuit allows the pleasure of not wanting to be elsewhere.
Medellín on a Sunday morning is alive with cyclists by the hundreds, no exaggeration. Leaving the apartment it was a level ride out through the southern suburbs, greetings were many. About 8-10 k out the hills started as expected. Olga gave me directions to bypass the worst climb to get to Molombolo. Many cyclists ride the mountain and dine at the top, before returning.
The road skirted around the side of the highest parts. The summit had a group of stalls selling while you wait fresh squeezed orange juice. Many cylclists were taking advantage of this. Myself included. All the while chatting about the road ahead with others only to happy to give details.
The weight shed has made a difference though this was somewhat cancelled out by my fitness level.
It was a pleasure riding through the lush ever so steep countryside. This steep country had some huge land slippage scars present. Much of it denuded of native vegetation to make way for coffee, grazing, bananas and other crops. Eucalyptus were growing everywhere, a timber mill roadside was in the process of milling some logs, a familiar smell.
Other cyclists petered out further into the passage. Kind of about the same time the heat of the day kicked in!
There were not many parts of this road where you could not find something to eat.
The uphill climbs rendered me to stopping every couple of hundred metres at a culvert where my right foot could be placed.
Last year on many occasions it was a hassle looking for places to stand the bike, the centre stand previously used could not be relied on, it was subsequently ditched.
A brilliant stand was purchased and used today, it makes life so easy. It is basically just a 4 piece aluminium pole with a half circle on one end, this is placed on the cross bar and the bike just leans on it. Two stretch loops jam the brakes on to hold the bike in place.
Go to www.click-stand.com and reliably give sign posts, trees and buildings the flick.
Some long downhill runs were enjoyed past Caldas. Gathering too much speed was an issue due to undulations and pot holes, though generally the roads were in good nick and the motorists very courteous.
On arriving at Molombolo at 1430 a motel had to be found. Like north of Medellín it’s almost impossible to find a ground level affair. Travelling alone presents a few hassles with this aspect. A guy offered to put it in a lock up shed for me. Thanking him but declining, anything could have happened to it over night.
A place right in the river town of about 6000 was found $15/night, excellent, it is the yellow place on the left hand bend opposite the Zeuss gas station.
A local lad helped me transfer gear and the bike upstairs, for a dollar, he will be here at 0630 in the morning I hope, that is the plan anyway.
The afternoon was spent on the river Cauco talking with people fishing and having a good feed of Chiceron and rez.
Medellín to Molombolo D:75, T:4hrs, Av:18.16, Max spd:54 Total 10357 (75)
High cloud, low humidity about 29° calm
It was a smart idea to stay the extra night in Medellín. Similar to last year there is always that element of apprehension moving from a situation where you know each night where you will put your head down to one where each nights’ accommodation is unknown. Though getting there is the best part. This is normal I feel.
The plus side of this element of the unknown is that it is laced with some adventure. If one was at home in Australia in comfort and predictability, I am sure my thoughts would be in other places, whereas this pursuit allows the pleasure of not wanting to be elsewhere.
Medellín on a Sunday morning is alive with cyclists by the hundreds, no exaggeration. Leaving the apartment it was a level ride out through the southern suburbs, greetings were many. About 8-10 k out the hills started as expected. Olga gave me directions to bypass the worst climb to get to Molombolo. Many cyclists ride the mountain and dine at the top, before returning.
The road skirted around the side of the highest parts. The summit had a group of stalls selling while you wait fresh squeezed orange juice. Many cylclists were taking advantage of this. Myself included. All the while chatting about the road ahead with others only to happy to give details.
The weight shed has made a difference though this was somewhat cancelled out by my fitness level.
It was a pleasure riding through the lush ever so steep countryside. This steep country had some huge land slippage scars present. Much of it denuded of native vegetation to make way for coffee, grazing, bananas and other crops. Eucalyptus were growing everywhere, a timber mill roadside was in the process of milling some logs, a familiar smell.
Other cyclists petered out further into the passage. Kind of about the same time the heat of the day kicked in!
There were not many parts of this road where you could not find something to eat.
The uphill climbs rendered me to stopping every couple of hundred metres at a culvert where my right foot could be placed.
Last year on many occasions it was a hassle looking for places to stand the bike, the centre stand previously used could not be relied on, it was subsequently ditched.
A brilliant stand was purchased and used today, it makes life so easy. It is basically just a 4 piece aluminium pole with a half circle on one end, this is placed on the cross bar and the bike just leans on it. Two stretch loops jam the brakes on to hold the bike in place.
Go to www.click-stand.com and reliably give sign posts, trees and buildings the flick.
Some long downhill runs were enjoyed past Caldas. Gathering too much speed was an issue due to undulations and pot holes, though generally the roads were in good nick and the motorists very courteous.
On arriving at Molombolo at 1430 a motel had to be found. Like north of Medellín it’s almost impossible to find a ground level affair. Travelling alone presents a few hassles with this aspect. A guy offered to put it in a lock up shed for me. Thanking him but declining, anything could have happened to it over night.
A place right in the river town of about 6000 was found $15/night, excellent, it is the yellow place on the left hand bend opposite the Zeuss gas station.
A local lad helped me transfer gear and the bike upstairs, for a dollar, he will be here at 0630 in the morning I hope, that is the plan anyway.
The afternoon was spent on the river Cauco talking with people fishing and having a good feed of Chiceron and rez.