Ripley to Meeman-Shelby Frest State Park
D120,T6hrs, Av19.69, Total 5381
Perfect day, good northerly tail winds, 25 ℃
Leaving the motel at about 1100hrs, knowing three things, that the wind was in my favour, a 100 plus k,s were ahead of me, those laced with a few hills.
Asking about the Olympic Steak house, it was visited for a buffet of ridiculously good value, all you could eat, home cooked meats, prepared salads and deserts, $7 departed from my pocket and that includes the tip.
If ever in Ripley, TN, make sure you stop here for a meal. Three miles down the road another air escape from the rear tyre brought me to a halt, wheeling to a farmers shed, his wife said I could use the shade of the shed whilst it was repaired.
With all the gear on the bike, it takes longer to unload and reload it than the actual repair. Once back on the road having thanked the woman, thoughts were about not being subjected to another occurrence like this.
The guide book was now keeping me on rural back roads that keep the going interesting, most corn this far south has now been harvested.
A stop was made at Covington where a supermarket was found that had a fresh load of green grapes on the shelves, being very particular when it comes to grapes, many were consumed during an idle browse around the shelves. A whole row was devoted to soda drinks, Mountain Dew ( I may have previously mentioned this) is the most popular drink in these parts, yo’all knows.
I was now in rolling hill country most of which was covered in woods, deer were encountered on a few ocassions, they blend in with the woods like a flounder in sand.
Most properties were now small acreages with all sorts of dwellings present. These ranged from gated brick extravagancies to trailers and all mediocre dwellings in between. One thing in common was late model Pickup trucks at most places.
Dealers are offering interest free terms on these vehicles. Hopefully the number of delinquent loans (a term used here for defaulted loans) on these items wont mirror the recent housing loan defaults.
Town water was reticulated to these dwellings, and septic systems were used for waste disposal.
Large areas of Kudzo were encountered in unused gullies, this stuff will climb a tree, stop it from photosynthesizing and use the resultant dead tree for support.
African Americans were greeted as I rode past many dwellings. Almost every property was occupied by a dog, most just barking, but a few greeting me in the middle of the road, my fireworks were not utilized, though on standby.
It was now about 40 minutes before dark, calculations indicated that the Meeman- Shelby SP was not far off.
Coming across an enterance to the park it read, Group Camping, a barrier was across the road, though not sufficient to impede the passage of a bicycle.
Heading down the road, it was overgrown and in a state of disrepair. Arrival at the terminus saw me greeted by a number of disused buildings with broken windows and weeds well established against all walls.
I had no choice, it was now almost dark. Testing the door into the main building, it opened. Inside were all the appliances for cooking for large numbers of people, through this kitchen was a big dining area, all tables and chairs were still as arranged for the last supper.
The Tenneesee state parks had walked, in what paperwork indicated 1999. Spider webs and dust were now the main occupants.
I wheeled the bike around to the western side to catch the final light of the day and entered the mess room.
The palace was set up using tables as anchors. I had minimal water so a brew could not be enjoyed.
While getting organised I switched off my light, not wanting to let anyone know of my presence.
The place was a bit creepy, with woods all around and to the west long grass which once was a lawn area that had a swimming pool on its western perimeter.
I closed all the doors and about 2030hrs climbing into the nest.
I knew that for someone to enter, firstly I would hear the doors squeak and secondly would hear footsteps.
The place didn’t look like it was a haunt of riff raff as no alcohol containers were about, also being a mid week night was in my favour.
Sleep came easy, however it was a case of sleeping with one eye open so to speak.
It has been years since I have slept over and above a subconsciuos fear. Anyway low and be bloody hold, a door start sqeaking in the night.
I lay there awakened, senses on full alert, it’s amazing how acute your hearing becomes when fear is associated with it. No footsteps were heard, ok, maybe an animal, maybe a draft .
Not leaving the tent, sleep eventually returned. Its amazing the security that half a millimeter thick covering of nylon can offer in circumstances like this.
The knowledge that Memphis was only 20 miles away made this shallow, broken nights sleep less significant .
D120,T6hrs, Av19.69, Total 5381
Perfect day, good northerly tail winds, 25 ℃
Leaving the motel at about 1100hrs, knowing three things, that the wind was in my favour, a 100 plus k,s were ahead of me, those laced with a few hills.
Asking about the Olympic Steak house, it was visited for a buffet of ridiculously good value, all you could eat, home cooked meats, prepared salads and deserts, $7 departed from my pocket and that includes the tip.
If ever in Ripley, TN, make sure you stop here for a meal. Three miles down the road another air escape from the rear tyre brought me to a halt, wheeling to a farmers shed, his wife said I could use the shade of the shed whilst it was repaired.
With all the gear on the bike, it takes longer to unload and reload it than the actual repair. Once back on the road having thanked the woman, thoughts were about not being subjected to another occurrence like this.
The guide book was now keeping me on rural back roads that keep the going interesting, most corn this far south has now been harvested.
A stop was made at Covington where a supermarket was found that had a fresh load of green grapes on the shelves, being very particular when it comes to grapes, many were consumed during an idle browse around the shelves. A whole row was devoted to soda drinks, Mountain Dew ( I may have previously mentioned this) is the most popular drink in these parts, yo’all knows.
I was now in rolling hill country most of which was covered in woods, deer were encountered on a few ocassions, they blend in with the woods like a flounder in sand.
Most properties were now small acreages with all sorts of dwellings present. These ranged from gated brick extravagancies to trailers and all mediocre dwellings in between. One thing in common was late model Pickup trucks at most places.
Dealers are offering interest free terms on these vehicles. Hopefully the number of delinquent loans (a term used here for defaulted loans) on these items wont mirror the recent housing loan defaults.
Town water was reticulated to these dwellings, and septic systems were used for waste disposal.
Large areas of Kudzo were encountered in unused gullies, this stuff will climb a tree, stop it from photosynthesizing and use the resultant dead tree for support.
African Americans were greeted as I rode past many dwellings. Almost every property was occupied by a dog, most just barking, but a few greeting me in the middle of the road, my fireworks were not utilized, though on standby.
It was now about 40 minutes before dark, calculations indicated that the Meeman- Shelby SP was not far off.
Coming across an enterance to the park it read, Group Camping, a barrier was across the road, though not sufficient to impede the passage of a bicycle.
Heading down the road, it was overgrown and in a state of disrepair. Arrival at the terminus saw me greeted by a number of disused buildings with broken windows and weeds well established against all walls.
I had no choice, it was now almost dark. Testing the door into the main building, it opened. Inside were all the appliances for cooking for large numbers of people, through this kitchen was a big dining area, all tables and chairs were still as arranged for the last supper.
The Tenneesee state parks had walked, in what paperwork indicated 1999. Spider webs and dust were now the main occupants.
I wheeled the bike around to the western side to catch the final light of the day and entered the mess room.
The palace was set up using tables as anchors. I had minimal water so a brew could not be enjoyed.
While getting organised I switched off my light, not wanting to let anyone know of my presence.
The place was a bit creepy, with woods all around and to the west long grass which once was a lawn area that had a swimming pool on its western perimeter.
I closed all the doors and about 2030hrs climbing into the nest.
I knew that for someone to enter, firstly I would hear the doors squeak and secondly would hear footsteps.
The place didn’t look like it was a haunt of riff raff as no alcohol containers were about, also being a mid week night was in my favour.
Sleep came easy, however it was a case of sleeping with one eye open so to speak.
It has been years since I have slept over and above a subconsciuos fear. Anyway low and be bloody hold, a door start sqeaking in the night.
I lay there awakened, senses on full alert, it’s amazing how acute your hearing becomes when fear is associated with it. No footsteps were heard, ok, maybe an animal, maybe a draft .
Not leaving the tent, sleep eventually returned. Its amazing the security that half a millimeter thick covering of nylon can offer in circumstances like this.
The knowledge that Memphis was only 20 miles away made this shallow, broken nights sleep less significant .