Dreamers look into the future and see promise. Those who do not dream only see the future.
- D. Elder
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- D. Elder
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28/5/2013 Huaraz to 34km south of Pachocoto
D78, T5.4/7, Av13.36, Max54 Tot14689, 4625
Cool morning, clear day 22 cool breeze, the temp rapidly dropped as the sun set
Leaving the motel about 0800, we headed into town for breakfast, leaving town we were again following the Rio Santa, now much smaller and cleaner.
It was a steady climb all the way. Lunch was enjoyed by a small river. We are now having soup, tuna on crackers and coffee when stopping for lunch.
Snow clad mountains were always visible on our left, at one point Deirdre said that’s where we will be heading, this was later to have been a very fair comment.
Pretty much the only vehicles using the road were buses and mining vehicles. Toyata has done well here, there are hundreds of dual cab Hiluxs on these roads in the vicinity of mines.
Using the stove so much, we are now carrying 1.5 litres of Bencina which is an excellent fuel available here in Peru, it is sold at ferreterías as a furniture cleaner.
By now the temperature was falling and the steady climbing continued. We had about 5km to get to our destination.
Now in 14,000km backtracking has not been required. For some reason we both had it in our heads that we had 60km to the turn off.
About 1600 I checked the map and stopped a vehicle to check on the location of Pachacoto and the turnoff for Huánuco.
Shit, it was now about 1630 and it was only 43k to Cachapoto, we had gone 27k to far and it was getting very fresh, Deirdre was getting very tired. We had to find a camp site.
The only house back down the road a few km offered anything that remotely offered some shelter from the fresh wind.
The owner was asked, he showed us out to the back of his house.
They were very nice people, they only spoke Quechua, we worked things out.
By the time we set up camp it was bitterly cold, cold enough to see both of us sharing my tent.
D78, T5.4/7, Av13.36, Max54 Tot14689, 4625
Cool morning, clear day 22 cool breeze, the temp rapidly dropped as the sun set
Leaving the motel about 0800, we headed into town for breakfast, leaving town we were again following the Rio Santa, now much smaller and cleaner.
It was a steady climb all the way. Lunch was enjoyed by a small river. We are now having soup, tuna on crackers and coffee when stopping for lunch.
Snow clad mountains were always visible on our left, at one point Deirdre said that’s where we will be heading, this was later to have been a very fair comment.
Pretty much the only vehicles using the road were buses and mining vehicles. Toyata has done well here, there are hundreds of dual cab Hiluxs on these roads in the vicinity of mines.
Using the stove so much, we are now carrying 1.5 litres of Bencina which is an excellent fuel available here in Peru, it is sold at ferreterías as a furniture cleaner.
By now the temperature was falling and the steady climbing continued. We had about 5km to get to our destination.
Now in 14,000km backtracking has not been required. For some reason we both had it in our heads that we had 60km to the turn off.
About 1600 I checked the map and stopped a vehicle to check on the location of Pachacoto and the turnoff for Huánuco.
Shit, it was now about 1630 and it was only 43k to Cachapoto, we had gone 27k to far and it was getting very fresh, Deirdre was getting very tired. We had to find a camp site.
The only house back down the road a few km offered anything that remotely offered some shelter from the fresh wind.
The owner was asked, he showed us out to the back of his house.
They were very nice people, they only spoke Quechua, we worked things out.
By the time we set up camp it was bitterly cold, cold enough to see both of us sharing my tent.