4/6/2013 Huánuco to just south of Huariaco
D71, T5.18/8, Av13.44, max41, Tot15027, 4963
Fine 22 degrees tail winds
Huánuco had been a welcome break the motel was excellent as was the food in the markets, as usual the people were helpful and friendly.
These towns off the beaten trail are great, there are almost no tourists about and people genuinely have an interest in talking to you.
We headed into town for ceviche, an emoliente, which was enjoyed, while having my haircut.
The ride was was fairly uneventful, which is often the case on these main highways. This main road goes south to La Oroya, then swings west to Lima.
Again much traffic is trucks hauling mine equipment and other goods from Lima and bringing food and other rural products back.
The road was a pleasure to ride, that of undulating offering a mixture of coasting and pedalling.
We had music going on the speakers most of the day, this really does provide momentum when needed, Deirdre sticks close, whether infront or behind.
A caldo de gallina sopa was had in Ambo, over priced but nice.
Some 20km down the road, we had lunch at Santa Domingo de Chasic one of the best cicharon chicken dishes was complemented by whole boiled potatoes
The Peruanos have a potato for every use.
About now the slow climb began, there were many small pueblitos on the road.
About 1630 we arrived at Huariaco, half an hour was spent here trying to find a ground level motel, to no avail. We both felt pretty good and decided to ride on.
We both enjoyed camping more than motels. We also had food for a nights camping.
Some 4km out of town a little hospedaje was spotted, we tried to call the owner. From across the road a group of people called us over. One lady said the owner was away but we could camp down by the river.
It was a perfect campsite out of the wind. We gladly accepted her offer.
Setting up we had soup and retired to the movie theatre, again front row bags were enjoyed.
We were both dog tired and only made it half way through.
I have this bloody throat cold that can’t be shaken. It is ok during the day but mornings and evenings in the cool air are bad news.
I am keeping specific medication out of the cure at this point, just preferring to have a couple of Panadol on the odd evening.
It was a mild evening, life camping in mild climes is easy.
D71, T5.18/8, Av13.44, max41, Tot15027, 4963
Fine 22 degrees tail winds
Huánuco had been a welcome break the motel was excellent as was the food in the markets, as usual the people were helpful and friendly.
These towns off the beaten trail are great, there are almost no tourists about and people genuinely have an interest in talking to you.
We headed into town for ceviche, an emoliente, which was enjoyed, while having my haircut.
The ride was was fairly uneventful, which is often the case on these main highways. This main road goes south to La Oroya, then swings west to Lima.
Again much traffic is trucks hauling mine equipment and other goods from Lima and bringing food and other rural products back.
The road was a pleasure to ride, that of undulating offering a mixture of coasting and pedalling.
We had music going on the speakers most of the day, this really does provide momentum when needed, Deirdre sticks close, whether infront or behind.
A caldo de gallina sopa was had in Ambo, over priced but nice.
Some 20km down the road, we had lunch at Santa Domingo de Chasic one of the best cicharon chicken dishes was complemented by whole boiled potatoes
The Peruanos have a potato for every use.
About now the slow climb began, there were many small pueblitos on the road.
About 1630 we arrived at Huariaco, half an hour was spent here trying to find a ground level motel, to no avail. We both felt pretty good and decided to ride on.
We both enjoyed camping more than motels. We also had food for a nights camping.
Some 4km out of town a little hospedaje was spotted, we tried to call the owner. From across the road a group of people called us over. One lady said the owner was away but we could camp down by the river.
It was a perfect campsite out of the wind. We gladly accepted her offer.
Setting up we had soup and retired to the movie theatre, again front row bags were enjoyed.
We were both dog tired and only made it half way through.
I have this bloody throat cold that can’t be shaken. It is ok during the day but mornings and evenings in the cool air are bad news.
I am keeping specific medication out of the cure at this point, just preferring to have a couple of Panadol on the odd evening.
It was a mild evening, life camping in mild climes is easy.