Park Rapids to 16k south of Walker 207k,Av speed 20k, Trip time 10.2hs
Total 824k
After 2 days at Park Rapids,I was better organized and well rested. In hindsight, this town was a good place to be at during the inclement weather that persisted for the duration of the stay.
I arose early after a text book sleep, comatose on contact with the pillow,next thing its morning. Breakfast is supplied at Super 8, pan cakes, bread, coffee, muffins etc. To say the food on offer was depleted on my departure is somewhat of an under statement. A stash was furtively removed for lunch on the road.
Delaneys Sports is next door so more weight was added in the form of a couple of occy straps. The staff slipped outside for a couple of pics and adios to Park Rapids, nice place. There were other cyclists at the motel , they to chose to lie low due to low temps and rain.
Just out of town a property owner had a vintage tractor and tow behind combine parked at each corner of his road frontage, some 300m apart. Across the road was an immaculate cemetry.(Title pic) The driver of these tractors is probably resting over the road, while at the same time keeping an eye on his beloved tractors.
The directions I was given at Delaneys ensured an interesting day.
Leaving town I headed south down 71 then right into 87, then right into 25 and onto 18 and into Nimrod. Evidently the bar and grill here is legendary for things other than food and drink.(fights) Bars enclosed the windows. Things can get a bit boisterous here I’m told. The time was about 0900, it was closed.
Fom here I took12 over to 64 all the way down to 34. A helpful lady on a property, that thankfully had no canine welcoming party, gave me some directions through to Nisswa. These included the Beauty Lake forestry trail having a gravel surface.
South of PR agricultural persuits including cropping with large irrigators, cattle feedlots and sheds I presumed contained pigs.The air at times contained a cocktail of odours, those from the sheds were especially heavy in the air. Some dairy cows would follow me till they reached the the fence that signified the boundary of their paddock. Encouragement from me in the form of dodgy moos stirred them up.
The road from Nimrod to 64 had spead out dwellings in various states of repair, not all were occupied. Archetypical Minnesotan barns were present at some properties. Some originals had been abandoned, these made for great photography.
I stopped at the Leader community hall (85k) under a shelter and brewed a coffee and devoured the Super 8 takings. So good and out of this misty rain.
The wind was about 25 knots from the north. Good average speed was being maintained. This wind bitterly cold, maybe 12 degrees and ever so light rain was threatening to spoil the day.
Highway 24 was isolated with the wind blowing from my left across lush mixed grass and weed paddocks with surface water ever present, and a few cattle about. It was cold. I heard a quiet rumble behind me, it was a group of tourers on a mix of harleys and other bikes built for comfort. They all gave me horn blasts and a wave on passing. A gesture in need at this time. Not once did I wish for that mode of transport as I watched them blend in with the horizon ahead.
On 64 a canine reception was recieved outside one property. On their catching a glimpse of the mace spray attached to my bar stem they dug in their claws and bailed out. Not quite but did follow me well past their property boundary. Thanks to the tail wind they had no chance of maintained my speed for long.
Down 64 I headed into 104 which eventually took me around Gull Lake. Beauty Lake forestry road had a good surface easily negotiated by the Surlys 2” tyres.
This road wound its way past lakes and the dense woods. A startled white tail deer displayed his strength and agility coupled with gracefulness as he unlike the deer at Itasca, got traction in the gravel that enabled him to disappear into the woods in three strides.
My friends the dragonflies were out and about, this indicated the sun was due to reveal itself, upon leaving the heavy woods, indeed it was. What a welcome sight.
Coming back onto the tar I encountered an establishment known as Jacks B &G. A decent meal was required, kind of like filling the tank. An angus burger and chips accompanied by a bottomless 7up was ordered and immensly enjoyed. Two old peds who earlier had met at the bank and headed here were in the bar.Great guys they joined me for a beer,we discussed all manner of things, swapped brief life histories and headed off. To Nisswa and to reunite myself with the cylcing paradise, the Paul Bunyan Trail.
I was still feeling motivated and energy was still within for the taking.North of Nisswa I was back on the trail. Heading north, meant I was nose to the wind, luckily it had abated and some reprieve was on offer due to the trail side trees.
The odometer was now well above 100k,s I was beginning to think that 200k is achievable today.
However maintaining the energy levels above the threshold of no return were on my mind. Bites Bar and grill at Pine River right on the trail was about to play a role in that maintenance, all be it just three coffees and a few laughs. Great service and atmospheres abounds once at the bar.
A friendly guy Gene was alongside me at the bar and a lady who was visiting, we all had a yarn prior to farewells and good wishes as we went our seperate ways.
Gene later intercepted me on the trail for a few pics and the offer to shout me a beer at the legions club at Backus, I politely declined, the thought of a couple of hundred k in a day and its benchmark status was on my mind. Depending on how I felt tomorrow. I could realistically base a days ride on this distance if all conditions were favorable. All be it a long day.
Fom here the trail took in Backus (finally got here) and Hackensack, where Pauls love come from and where PB junior was born.
Time was ticking on I knew I had till about 2100 hrs to find a camp suitably out of sight trailside.
What a magical evening ,the day had improved as as it progressed. Being an ex rail track, the immediate edges were either cuttings or battered where fill had enabled the track to traverse low lying areas. Both landscapes offered minimal opportunities for pitching a tent.
I needed shelter bigtime. Low and behold an old trail was evident a bit further on. I parked the bike. The side stand is so convenient. Investigating this heavily grassed trail I knew I had found the spot although someone had placed some logs accross it.
These were now heavily decayed to the point where I could just get the bike through.
I put up the tent, with no Hillberg tarp. The undergrowth vegetation though tall, is soft and easily flattened unlike the undergrowth at home which is largely perrenial.
Well aware that Humphrey could accidently encounter my camp, or not so accidently if he got wind of me, I took the following precausions.
· Ate the piece of meat I had, and a cup of tea.
· Hung all food items including the wok in a tree some distance from camp
· Kept the mace bedside, I dont know if I could talk my way out of a bear intent on creating havoc.
· Proceeded to try to sleep without thinking about an encounter.
· Did sleep. Humphrey did not visit after all.
I write this in the woodsman Cafe at Walker.Table to myself, bike in full view through the front window, having finished hash browns, bacon, eggs and sour dough with countless coffees. The girl won’t leave my cup alone. Oh, and the sun is out with a vengeance. Magic Minnesota day in all its glory.
Just felt a tad peckish again and hav ordered the mandatory pancake.
I found this article while reading over brekky at GR. It is as published, courtesy of The Dorset Daily Bugle. I agree whole heartedly, it is sexist!
Shopping gives woman more shoptosterone
A pioneering study at Dorset University has tracked the role of euphoric levels of shoptestorone in women, much like testosterone has been given credible status in men.
Although some are calling the study sexist and others citing it as vindication, the conclusion is clear: shopping makes women more happy.
Just as the use of memory games prompts the brain to stimulate inactive circuits and keep them functioning, shoptestorone feeds cells that are building blocks of a pleasurable feeling.
Researchers are puzzled why the usual pleasures of love, family, homes and jobs did not produce as much shoptosterone as shopping, but finally found the reason: Shopping was the only one not blunted by failed relationships, naughty kids, workday stress or household dirt.
Simply, what could go wrong while shopping? The eye goes from one likeable item to the next while screening out undesirables, and fixating on those that evoke pleasure signals, such as the phrase, “Isn’t that cute”.
The growth of shoptestorone was blunted, however, by such negative factors as bored husbands, a crying child or a frugal companion.
And, all bias aside, Dorset University researchers found that the most conducive environment for the growth of shoptestorne was in Dorset with its relaxed pace, fresh out door air ,attentive sale persons, unique sops and vacation likefeel ....................
Add an overnight at a Dorset B&B and the growth of shoptestorone went off the charts.
Total 824k
After 2 days at Park Rapids,I was better organized and well rested. In hindsight, this town was a good place to be at during the inclement weather that persisted for the duration of the stay.
I arose early after a text book sleep, comatose on contact with the pillow,next thing its morning. Breakfast is supplied at Super 8, pan cakes, bread, coffee, muffins etc. To say the food on offer was depleted on my departure is somewhat of an under statement. A stash was furtively removed for lunch on the road.
Delaneys Sports is next door so more weight was added in the form of a couple of occy straps. The staff slipped outside for a couple of pics and adios to Park Rapids, nice place. There were other cyclists at the motel , they to chose to lie low due to low temps and rain.
Just out of town a property owner had a vintage tractor and tow behind combine parked at each corner of his road frontage, some 300m apart. Across the road was an immaculate cemetry.(Title pic) The driver of these tractors is probably resting over the road, while at the same time keeping an eye on his beloved tractors.
The directions I was given at Delaneys ensured an interesting day.
Leaving town I headed south down 71 then right into 87, then right into 25 and onto 18 and into Nimrod. Evidently the bar and grill here is legendary for things other than food and drink.(fights) Bars enclosed the windows. Things can get a bit boisterous here I’m told. The time was about 0900, it was closed.
Fom here I took12 over to 64 all the way down to 34. A helpful lady on a property, that thankfully had no canine welcoming party, gave me some directions through to Nisswa. These included the Beauty Lake forestry trail having a gravel surface.
South of PR agricultural persuits including cropping with large irrigators, cattle feedlots and sheds I presumed contained pigs.The air at times contained a cocktail of odours, those from the sheds were especially heavy in the air. Some dairy cows would follow me till they reached the the fence that signified the boundary of their paddock. Encouragement from me in the form of dodgy moos stirred them up.
The road from Nimrod to 64 had spead out dwellings in various states of repair, not all were occupied. Archetypical Minnesotan barns were present at some properties. Some originals had been abandoned, these made for great photography.
I stopped at the Leader community hall (85k) under a shelter and brewed a coffee and devoured the Super 8 takings. So good and out of this misty rain.
The wind was about 25 knots from the north. Good average speed was being maintained. This wind bitterly cold, maybe 12 degrees and ever so light rain was threatening to spoil the day.
Highway 24 was isolated with the wind blowing from my left across lush mixed grass and weed paddocks with surface water ever present, and a few cattle about. It was cold. I heard a quiet rumble behind me, it was a group of tourers on a mix of harleys and other bikes built for comfort. They all gave me horn blasts and a wave on passing. A gesture in need at this time. Not once did I wish for that mode of transport as I watched them blend in with the horizon ahead.
On 64 a canine reception was recieved outside one property. On their catching a glimpse of the mace spray attached to my bar stem they dug in their claws and bailed out. Not quite but did follow me well past their property boundary. Thanks to the tail wind they had no chance of maintained my speed for long.
Down 64 I headed into 104 which eventually took me around Gull Lake. Beauty Lake forestry road had a good surface easily negotiated by the Surlys 2” tyres.
This road wound its way past lakes and the dense woods. A startled white tail deer displayed his strength and agility coupled with gracefulness as he unlike the deer at Itasca, got traction in the gravel that enabled him to disappear into the woods in three strides.
My friends the dragonflies were out and about, this indicated the sun was due to reveal itself, upon leaving the heavy woods, indeed it was. What a welcome sight.
Coming back onto the tar I encountered an establishment known as Jacks B &G. A decent meal was required, kind of like filling the tank. An angus burger and chips accompanied by a bottomless 7up was ordered and immensly enjoyed. Two old peds who earlier had met at the bank and headed here were in the bar.Great guys they joined me for a beer,we discussed all manner of things, swapped brief life histories and headed off. To Nisswa and to reunite myself with the cylcing paradise, the Paul Bunyan Trail.
I was still feeling motivated and energy was still within for the taking.North of Nisswa I was back on the trail. Heading north, meant I was nose to the wind, luckily it had abated and some reprieve was on offer due to the trail side trees.
The odometer was now well above 100k,s I was beginning to think that 200k is achievable today.
However maintaining the energy levels above the threshold of no return were on my mind. Bites Bar and grill at Pine River right on the trail was about to play a role in that maintenance, all be it just three coffees and a few laughs. Great service and atmospheres abounds once at the bar.
A friendly guy Gene was alongside me at the bar and a lady who was visiting, we all had a yarn prior to farewells and good wishes as we went our seperate ways.
Gene later intercepted me on the trail for a few pics and the offer to shout me a beer at the legions club at Backus, I politely declined, the thought of a couple of hundred k in a day and its benchmark status was on my mind. Depending on how I felt tomorrow. I could realistically base a days ride on this distance if all conditions were favorable. All be it a long day.
Fom here the trail took in Backus (finally got here) and Hackensack, where Pauls love come from and where PB junior was born.
Time was ticking on I knew I had till about 2100 hrs to find a camp suitably out of sight trailside.
What a magical evening ,the day had improved as as it progressed. Being an ex rail track, the immediate edges were either cuttings or battered where fill had enabled the track to traverse low lying areas. Both landscapes offered minimal opportunities for pitching a tent.
I needed shelter bigtime. Low and behold an old trail was evident a bit further on. I parked the bike. The side stand is so convenient. Investigating this heavily grassed trail I knew I had found the spot although someone had placed some logs accross it.
These were now heavily decayed to the point where I could just get the bike through.
I put up the tent, with no Hillberg tarp. The undergrowth vegetation though tall, is soft and easily flattened unlike the undergrowth at home which is largely perrenial.
Well aware that Humphrey could accidently encounter my camp, or not so accidently if he got wind of me, I took the following precausions.
· Ate the piece of meat I had, and a cup of tea.
· Hung all food items including the wok in a tree some distance from camp
· Kept the mace bedside, I dont know if I could talk my way out of a bear intent on creating havoc.
· Proceeded to try to sleep without thinking about an encounter.
· Did sleep. Humphrey did not visit after all.
I write this in the woodsman Cafe at Walker.Table to myself, bike in full view through the front window, having finished hash browns, bacon, eggs and sour dough with countless coffees. The girl won’t leave my cup alone. Oh, and the sun is out with a vengeance. Magic Minnesota day in all its glory.
Just felt a tad peckish again and hav ordered the mandatory pancake.
I found this article while reading over brekky at GR. It is as published, courtesy of The Dorset Daily Bugle. I agree whole heartedly, it is sexist!
Shopping gives woman more shoptosterone
A pioneering study at Dorset University has tracked the role of euphoric levels of shoptestorone in women, much like testosterone has been given credible status in men.
Although some are calling the study sexist and others citing it as vindication, the conclusion is clear: shopping makes women more happy.
Just as the use of memory games prompts the brain to stimulate inactive circuits and keep them functioning, shoptestorone feeds cells that are building blocks of a pleasurable feeling.
Researchers are puzzled why the usual pleasures of love, family, homes and jobs did not produce as much shoptosterone as shopping, but finally found the reason: Shopping was the only one not blunted by failed relationships, naughty kids, workday stress or household dirt.
Simply, what could go wrong while shopping? The eye goes from one likeable item to the next while screening out undesirables, and fixating on those that evoke pleasure signals, such as the phrase, “Isn’t that cute”.
The growth of shoptestorone was blunted, however, by such negative factors as bored husbands, a crying child or a frugal companion.
And, all bias aside, Dorset University researchers found that the most conducive environment for the growth of shoptestorne was in Dorset with its relaxed pace, fresh out door air ,attentive sale persons, unique sops and vacation likefeel ....................
Add an overnight at a Dorset B&B and the growth of shoptestorone went off the charts.