2/5/2012 Barranquilla to Santa Veronica
Incredibly hot and humid
D 65, T3.50, Av17.96 Total 9326
Awaking at 0430. I arose and organized my gear. On the road at 0550, 2ks into the ride and a rear flat tyre presented some problems.
Problems in the middle of this ever so busy city. All I could do was stop, lie the bike down and do what had to be done, in this case at a bus stop.
A kind guy helped me with everything, it was not necessary to remove the rear wheel, so it didn’t take long. Very thankful, 4000 pesos was given to the chap that helped me.
Not far from here breakfast was enjoyed at a great roadside cafe with locals, a scrambled eggs, beef with spicy tomato and onion and frito platano number was enjoyed over a few coffees.
Any ideas of making Cartagena today had become dangerous dreams in this heat and humidity.
The heat coupled with humidity and me on antibiotics and anti inflams is making it hard going.
So much fluid is being drunk, a normal stop will see me have 2 cokes, an ice block, yoghurt and water.
A highway construction official at a small shop told me to go to Santa Veronica for the night, it is right on the beach.
Arriving here, it was very touristy, though now is the off season. It was very quiet. Not wanting to stay in one of the upstairs hotels on the beach, people were asked for my idea of accommodation.
A lady gave me directions, this took me just out of the main area to a beach road. Coming up the road were all these young people girls and guys.
They all wanted their photo taken with me, can you believe my luck.
Anyway they were first year tourism students from Uniatlantico near Marranquillo, hence the photos, one may think.
Their lecturer Hernan was with them. He offered to have me at his place. I accepted readily
He has a great place, circular in design, very rustic but practical, his wife Margarita is a heap of fun.
They often have cyclists to stay, many Europeans he said. Some washing was done and a sleep enjoyed in the afternoon.
Showering revealed a heat rash on my groin and butt, very painful under the shower
The heat and humidity turned into their second big rain for the beginning of the wet season, it was a welcome relief.
Incredibly hot and humid
D 65, T3.50, Av17.96 Total 9326
Awaking at 0430. I arose and organized my gear. On the road at 0550, 2ks into the ride and a rear flat tyre presented some problems.
Problems in the middle of this ever so busy city. All I could do was stop, lie the bike down and do what had to be done, in this case at a bus stop.
A kind guy helped me with everything, it was not necessary to remove the rear wheel, so it didn’t take long. Very thankful, 4000 pesos was given to the chap that helped me.
Not far from here breakfast was enjoyed at a great roadside cafe with locals, a scrambled eggs, beef with spicy tomato and onion and frito platano number was enjoyed over a few coffees.
Any ideas of making Cartagena today had become dangerous dreams in this heat and humidity.
The heat coupled with humidity and me on antibiotics and anti inflams is making it hard going.
So much fluid is being drunk, a normal stop will see me have 2 cokes, an ice block, yoghurt and water.
A highway construction official at a small shop told me to go to Santa Veronica for the night, it is right on the beach.
Arriving here, it was very touristy, though now is the off season. It was very quiet. Not wanting to stay in one of the upstairs hotels on the beach, people were asked for my idea of accommodation.
A lady gave me directions, this took me just out of the main area to a beach road. Coming up the road were all these young people girls and guys.
They all wanted their photo taken with me, can you believe my luck.
Anyway they were first year tourism students from Uniatlantico near Marranquillo, hence the photos, one may think.
Their lecturer Hernan was with them. He offered to have me at his place. I accepted readily
He has a great place, circular in design, very rustic but practical, his wife Margarita is a heap of fun.
They often have cyclists to stay, many Europeans he said. Some washing was done and a sleep enjoyed in the afternoon.
Showering revealed a heat rash on my groin and butt, very painful under the shower
The heat and humidity turned into their second big rain for the beginning of the wet season, it was a welcome relief.