Cerro de Pasco to Huancayo
Huaraz to Huánaco
Cajamarca to Huamachuco
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Macará, Ecuador to Chachapoyas, Peru
Chachapoyas to Cajamarca, (this profile is as the crow flies, the profiler did not know this secondary road.It crosses the Andes) the road is to the south of the of the pink line
Loja to Macará,EC
Cuenca to Loja
San Carlos to Cuenca
Medellín to Cali (move the cursor to a spot on the profile and the location will appear on the map)
Cali to Pasto
Pasto to Ipiales
Tulcan to Quito
Quito to Pedernales
Pedernales to Manta, EC
Manta to Puerto Lopez